A Family of Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Businesses


Garden of 1000 Buddhas (4)当一辆车向北穿过蒙大拿州平头保留地的阿利镇时, 这里到处都是当地居民拥有的农场和牧场. Just off the highway, about two miles north of Arlee, 一块60英亩的土地能从农场和牧场中脱颖而出吗. 美丽的花园布局是本地树木和植物,由一个35英尺高的彩色神龛耸立. 神社周围都是微型雕塑,它们对称地向外投射成一圈更多的微型雕塑. 亭子里有最大的雕塑叫“百胜禅摩”(代表度母神)。, a maternal figure in Buddhist teachings. The mini statues that surround the shrine are that of Buddha. One thousand mini Buddhas to be exact, thus giving the garden the name, The Garden of One Thousand Buddhas.

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The Garden of 1000 Budhas features a large statue of Yum Chenmo, the Great Mother, at the center of a many pointed star of small Buddha statues.

Tulku Sang-Ngag Rinpoche, 西藏佛教宁玛派大师,第六世葛钦祖古, started life learning the teachings Buddha. 八岁时,他因修持佛法而被中国共产党俘虏并监禁. The nine years Mr. Sang-Ngag被监禁只是增强了他的信念,从那以后他周游世界促进和平.

On his journey Mr. Sang-Ngag met Linda Pritzker, 福布斯美国400富豪之一,凯悦酒店财富继承人, at a Buddhist retreat in Santa Fe, NM. Linda met Mr. Sang-Ngag再次回到了她的家乡科罗拉多州博尔德,她知道她想让他成为她的老师. 他提到即将前往蒙大拿州的使命谷(Mission Valley)寻找新的居住地. Sang-Ngag asked if he could accompany her. 他们抵达米苏拉,开始向北前往弗拉特黑德印第安人保留地. While passing through the town of Arlee, they crossed the Jocko River and came to a flat clearing, called Schall Flats. Mr. Sang-Ngag注意到这片土地看起来像一朵盛开的莲花,于是问她. Pritzker to pull off of Highway 93 onto White Coyote Road. 路边有一块“土地出售”的牌子,普利兹克和Sang-Ngag就去调查了. When they arrived at the property, Mr. Sang-Ngag回忆说,看着山谷和山脉,认出了风景, although never physically being there before.

Garden of 1000 Buddhas 2In his youth, Mr. Sang-Ngag的构想是在山脚下和非常特殊的景观上建造一座佛教寺庙. Mr. Sang-Ngag knew that, when he stood north of Arlee, 这将是他梦想的地方,并将建立一座促进世界和平的寺庙. 了解非印第安人土地所有权和其他宗教派别在保留地购买财产的复杂历史, Ms. 普利兹克试图说服Sang-Ngag重新考虑在印第安人保留地建房. Mr. Sang-Ngag had already made up his mind. An anonymous donor bought the property and the ranch house, as well as purchasing an additional house.

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A line of small Buddhas waits to be completed.

Taking heed from Ms. Pritzker, Sang-Ngag在施工开始前与CSKT部落理事会会面,以获得部落的支持. Mr. Sang-Ngag给委员会带来了咖啡和卡塔格(katags)等传统礼物, which they accepted. Mr. Sang-Ngag还引用了西藏人和北美原住民的类似历史. The Tibetans, a lot like the American Indians, faced displacement and oppression from their government. 藏族人还在祈祷时焚烧鼠尾草和杜松作为圣祭,尊重土地的神圣性.

部落委员会表示,他们担心这个佛教景点会吸引很多人来,可能会推高土地价格. Julie Cajune, tribal member, mentioned to New York Times, “具有讽刺意味的是,许多印度人买不起自己保留地的土地.” The concern was shared by many in the community as well, that thought the Buddhist site would draw many people to the area. Mr. Sang-Ngag多次与部落官员会面,并分享了他们对花园可能带来的任何关注的担忧. 社区里的大多数人现在都觉得花园更舒服了. Mr. Sang-Ngag向社区保证,佛教花园是为每个人准备的, regardless of religious affiliation and spiritual beliefs. Every spring there is a peace celebration, 部落精神领袖和佛教团体聚集在一起,庆祝他们为世界和平所做的努力.

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Yum Chenmo, the Great Mother.

代表度母的24英尺高的雕像被称为“伟大的母亲”. 花园本身的布局是在中心放置了Yum Chenmo雕像,八辐轮对称地向外突出. 雕像的底座上有被摧毁的武器,象征着地球上的和平. The eight-spoke wheel is in the shape of the Wheel of Dharma, which is sacred to the Buddhist teachings. 每个轮辐和外圈都有一千尊佛像, of which 900 are currently constructed. The remaining statues will eventually be built and the garden will be complete; the time table is contingent on the amount of money raised. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has accepted an invitation from Mr. Sang-Ngag将参观千佛园,并在千佛园完工后为其祝圣.

All photos Copyright S&K Technologies, Inc.

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Visitors leave well wishes for loved ones at the Garden.


Knowledge of The Past. Vision for The Future.